Thank goodness for this HUGE 'Authentic' bag I got from Sample Spree at Spring Market last year. It is MASSIVE. Tomorrow I go in for a Splenectomy. I'm not excited- but ready to get it overwith. This will be the first of 2 surgeries in the next month. I just want to get them done so I can recover and be ready for Minneapolis in May!
I thought it would be fun to show you a few of the things I'm taking for my stay in the hospital. I don't know if I'll even feel like doing anything- but I'd rather have it than be stuck there with nothing to do.

This first one is a little of a surprise. Some really clever folks might be able to figure out what's in this bag- but I'm keeping the main idea a secret for now!

Am I insane? I pondered the idea of doing another 'Grandma's Flower Garden' but since I'd done one before I thought I'd do something different. When I ran up to
Village dry Goods the other day I picked up a pack of these 'Apple Core' templates. Everything is cut and ready to go- all I have to do is hand stitch them together.

My BFF crochets. I haven't been able to talk her into quilting yet- but it seems she's talked me into her hobby! This is a super chunky yarn. I thinking of a simple chain stitch in a pot-holder style. Make two and connect for a fun throw pillow. What do you think?

Of course I need a couple notebooks and sketch pads in case I have any hospital-inspired quilt ideas!
Sadly I'm realizing it's time for some of these. Although I need a 'real' prescription- no time to get one before I go under the knife. SO these will have to do for now. Only a couple bucks and PINK- can't beat that!

Lastly, some good reading material. I'm sure I'll get through those mags just waiting for the surgery to start. I couldn't believe my luck- one of my favorite authors just released a NEW title! Perfect timing for my stay in bed!
I'm actually looking forward to a little down time. But I'll definately go through some sewing machine withdrawals!
See You Soon!
What else can I get you besides Coldstone? I bet your going to need more magazines, I'm curious for what's in the first bag, it almost looks like purse hardware to me. Can help you? You know me and bags! Good luck with everything, I need you tip top shape for the trip in May, so you do as the Dr.'s tell you. I'll be over to see the end of the week, and supper the middle of next week. Your in my prayers.
make sure they put your IV into your non-dominant hand so you can crochet and stitch...
Good luck Emily! You will be in my thoughts. Can't wait for you to be back on your feet making wonderful things to share with us.
Hugs, -Cori
I do pray that this all goes well for you and that you're up on your feet in no time. It looks like you're a pro at packing your bags for the hospital too. Good luck. I'll be rooting for you to heal quickly. Cindy
I wish you a speedy recovery! The most important is your positive attitude-well-packed bag will surely be a party to stay positive. I watch your blog for some time. Your in my prayers.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
I think you're prepared!
Good Luck!!! It's great to see your spirits so high. God Bless.
Good luck. Hope everything goes smoothly in the OR. And a speedy recovery.
Good luck! At least if you are feeling well enough you'll have something cute and fun to work on! :)
I heart your bag! Good luck!
Your bags are ready. I know you will have enough to do..Good luck with your surgery and I hope you heal quickly. I'll be watching for your next post to tell us how you're doing. Hugs, Linda
best of luck, I hope all goes well. Enjoy your down time making lovely things!
Looks like you have plenty to keep you busy. I wish you a uneventful hospital visit. I hope to read your blog again very soon.
Hope that you are feeling better. I found your blog, and was scrolling down it and saw your bag. I stopped dead and yelled I know that bag! Everyone looked at me like I was just crazy. It's from Quilts Ect, my DH replied I should have known. We moved to CO a year ago this month and I so miss my stomping grounds. Quilts Ect, Handmaiden, Pine Needles, Material Girls are just a few. So I wanted to thank you for bringing a tear to my eyes, and missing a beat in my heart for reminding me of my old stomping grounds.
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