
Sunday, November 28, 2010


Head on over to the Etsy shop for
25% OFF
your entire purchace.
You will need to enter the code
in order to recieve the discount.
And remember, it's only for
November 29th
(p.s.- there's a link to my Etsy shop on the left side of the screen!)

Friday, November 26, 2010


Lot's of online shops are having special Black Friday deals,
is this Monday, November 29th
ALL items wil be marked 25% off regular price!!!
Don't forget to stop in to get the best deal of the year on ALL Crazy Old Ladies patterns and QUILTS!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


A storm is on the way. My husband said the National Weather Service said they've never had a warning like this where we live before. They said to stay home unless you absolutely have to go out. What a good excuse to sit at home and sew! :o)

And look who else has been busy at the machine! My friend Kira just sent me this picture. Is it not the cutest quilt!? She bought some of the fabric (Winter by Minick and Simpson for Moda) from me when I had my Stash Busting sale a few months back. She used the 'Dipped in Chocolate' pattern. If you're thinking of making this too Winter was released in 2008 (I think!) so good luck. But there are TONS of other beautiful fabric choices out there.
Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 22, 2010


I'm up a little early this morning. I hope you don't mind. I have a busy week ahead (as I'm sure most of you do too.)

I woke this morning have a crazy dream. Two men at the drive up window of the bank singing duets. I opened my eyes just after they began singing "Endless Love" and now it is stuck in my head!!! ARGH! A day full of errands, appointments, and busy-ness and I'm singing "Endless Love" in my head. (And for some reason I keep thinking of Wil Ferrel singing that song. What movie is that from? Someone help or that will drive me nuts too.)

I better get down to business. Someone has yet to win the most fabulous Day #6 prize., will you do the honors?

Hmmm, the littls widget (I'm not calling names- that's what it's called) took a moment this morning- usually it's instantanious! Maybe he's tired this morning. Or maybe he's got 'Endless Love' running through his brain and had to wait for a rest or the chorus before he could spit out an number. In any case, he came through for us: Number 16

she said "You have made some quilter very happy with this fun giveaway week. Thanks."

Well guess what Rosa? You are SOME QUILTER! :o) shoot me an email so I can ship these goodies out to you!

And now a little info. about the Crazy Old Ladies' First Annual CYBER-MONDAY event!
The sale will take place on my Etsy shop site on NOV. 29th where EVERYTHING will be marked at 25% off regular prices. This includes QUILTS! and will also include some items that I haven't listed yet. So if you've been trying to decide if you should get a little something for someone (or yourself) next Monday will be the day to do it! You will have roughly 24hours to make your purchase and when the items are gone- they're GONE!

Are you excited!? I AM! :o)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day #6!

It's Saturday. I was enjoying the warm coziness of my bed and sleeping in forgetting all about the fact that I need to wake up and pick a winner this morning. Sorry I'm late. :o)
My kids helped me. We wrote names on papers (so that those with more than one entry would have a fair chance) and put them in a shoebox (the only open container readily available. My sweet girl (the one that's been sick picked the name). I tried to get her to read it. She's in kindergarten and starting to read. I though this one would be easy. She didn't like the idea. (She's funny like that). So here it is:

(email me w/ your info.!)
Wow! This has been a fun week wouldn't you say!? One more day left- TODAY!

Today's prize consists of a Tea Towel all ready for cute embellishment, a 'Corner to Corner curve strip ruler' by Creative Grids, 2 packages of specialty needles, and a clover measuring tape. (I love those things- and so do my kids!) And I think I have a few FQ's I'm going to throw into the prize as well (just didn't have time to take a pick and load it this morning!)

Just leave a comment (any ol' comment) and you'll be entered to win. I'm going to keep this one open until MONDAY so you have an extra day to get in on this one.

Thanks for playing this week. I really did have a good time. I wish I had stuff to give away ALL THE TIME- it's so fun! :o)

I promised info. on an upcoming "Holiday Sale" and here it is- I am going to have my FIRST ANNUAL CYBER-MONDAY sale this year! (That's the 'black-friday' of online shopping) I'm super excited and it's going to be the BEST sale I've ever done. Complete details to be announced on Monday's winner post. See you there! :o)


Valentine's Day is a weird holiday in the quilting industry. See, fabrics for a particular holiday must be in stores months before said holiday so people have enough time to make their holiday project. So Christmas come out in May/June, Halloween is usually around that same time. But Valentine's day well, it comes out in December. Nothing wrong with that except EVERYONE is so focused on the Christmas-y holidays that it often gets overlooked. This year I wanted to make a Valentine pattern and I wanted it to look like a Valentine. But I didn't want it to ONLY work for Valentine's Day. I mean, if someone liked it and wanted to, they could make it in different colors and hang it all year long.

I made mine out of BLISS. It's not a Valentine print- but it works PERFECTLY for this, don't you think!? I wanted to give this a Valentine-y look to it- with the lace-ish scallops on the saide and all. This pattern uses FQ's and a little Steam-A-Seam, other than that it's pretty simple. And if you LOVE IT you can get it Fat Quarter Shop!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Twins (Baby Boom 2!)

(grrr...DAY #5 giveaway info. posted AFTER this!) :o)

The Baby Boom pattern has been SUPER popular. So I thought it would be fun to make another variation. Introducing:


Yes, another 2-in-1 pattern! Am I getting generous or what!? :o) Actually, I just wanted to show a boy version and a girl version in not-so-tradiational colors. I LOVE THEM!
Now, as always, there's no rule that says the first one HAS to be for a boy- you can do it in any color combination you want. Same for the second one. The whole idea is that they are EASY and go together FAST!
The funnest part is the monogram. Don't be scared- it's really not hard. And naturally, if you have twins you're going to need something to tell them apart. :o)
This pattern has already been very popular at my LQS and now you can see why!
Do you LOVE it!? :o)

Day #5!

I guess yesterday's giveaway wasn't that great- I only had 27 comments (entries). That's ok- that means better odds for the winner, right!? :o)

Well guess what? selected #25! Crazy, huh!? So, CONGRATULATIONS to

who said "I Loved Rockstar!"

Thank you, Tiffany. And now you can be a ROCKSTAR (kind of) with your very own prize of Quilt market swag! :o) (shoot me an email so I can ship this out to you!)

So want to see what's up for today!?

Lots of goodies! Everyone likes fabric so how about 7FQ's from "Joined at the hip" from Clothworks. Don't forget the thread- two spools! Tired of moving around that GIANT ruler for smaller pieces? This 3 1/2" square from Creative Grids will make it that much easier. And, who doesn't need a magnifying glass every once in a while!? Well, now you'll have one.

Today's giveaway is going to be a little trickier. But hopefully you're all a little smarter than me and can figure it out without problems. For today you need to ADD MY BUTTON to your blog! I just added a button on the left side of my blog. You can use that image there. Here is a great tutorial on how to add it to your own blog from my friend moose! :o)

After you've successfully added the button- leave me a comment tell me it's there and a link to your blog (So I can see it!) If you want to add a post to your blog telling all your readers about Crazy Old Ladies you can do that for ANOTHER entry. Yes, you can have 2! Just make sure to mention that in your comment.

One more thing. To get a THIRD chance- make sure to comment on the new 'Twins' patterns featured below!

Make sense? Too confusing?

Add button: 1 giveaway entry+ Add post: 1 giveaway entry+ Comment on 'Twins'= 3 giveaway entries!

Now go out and enjoy your Friday! But don't forget to stop by tomorrow to see who wins and for 1 more giveaway! (Also, classified information concerning a Holiday sale that you're not going to want to miss!)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day #4 giveaway

Are you having fun!?

This giveaway week has been way more fun for me than I even imagined. Just goes to show that giving really is better than recieving. :o)

First, an apology. I was almost certain that when I opened my follower's page the other day that it showed the follower's alphabetically. I guess I should have checked that. I'm not quite sure how they're arranged. So I thought of the most random way to choose a winner- my husband. There isn't anyone more UNbiased than him- especially when it comes to my quilting stuff. So he opened my follower's box and said "There, that's your winner." I asked him why he chose that one and the said "It was the first one I looked at." So there you have it folks!

Oh, sorry, did you want to know who he picked!?

(you know the drill- send me an email so I can send you your prize!)

Alrightie then. Let's move on to day #4's giveaway!

What!? Oh yes! It's the Moda tote they were handing out at market.
How cute is that!? It's the perfect size for notebooks, magazines, and as always- FABRIC! I've also included a FUN color by number quilt design book. Lastly some cute, quilty notecards.
I thought this would be a fun prize to go with the quilt I'm featuring today- "Rock Star"
Since the last 2 days were a little tricky, let's take it old school today. Simply leave a comment on this post and I'll use to pick a winner tomorrow morning.
See you soon! :o)
(p.s.- don't forget to stop by Rock Star and let me know what you think)

Rock Star

This quilt is FUN! There aren't a whole lot of patterns out there aimed at TWEENS so I designed this one with young quilter's in mind. But any young person would LOVE to snuggle up in the quilt whether they're the one who made it, or they recieved it as a gift. With funky elements appliqued to the quilt top you can choose your favorite colors and this would be perfect for any boy or girl. The other great thing is it's easily made with FQ's (and scraps if you have them!). Check out the funky border!? That's one of my favorite parts.

So, do you wanna be a 'Rock Star'? :o)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day #3 giveaway!!!

OK, I have a winner for yesterday's prize!!! I posted a comment on FB to mark the ending of the contest- then, I added up all the comments for the contest (there was 37). Next, I went to to generate my random number. The number chosen was 22. So, I went back to FB and started at the TOP of my page and counted down 22 spots and guess where I landed?

She wrote: "OMG...I love Whimsicals! Thanks for the chance to win some Whimsical fabric! :0)

(Terry: I commented on your post that you're the winner and sent a message to your FB page- but if you don't see it there- send me an email so I can sen you your PRIZE! )

Since this was a different sort of contest I wanted you all to know how the winner was picked. But if it wasn't YOU, have no fear! There's still 4 days left of giveaways and today's is AWESOME! Today's giveaway includes fusible stabilizer from Craft-Tex- PERFECT for making bag handles! Also, a can cozy from 'Stitch happy'- I don't know about you but I usually don't get much sewing done without my sodie-pop right by my side! AND how about an AWESOME drunkards path template ruler from Creative Grids! Seriously! :o)

Ok, wanna know how to win!?

Today's contest if for FOLLOWER's only. On the Left side of my screen here there is a section for followers. Tomorrow morning I will go to my followers page and randomly pick one of you! YEAH! See, it pays to be a follower. But if you're not a follower- no need to worry. All you need to do is become a follower by tomorrow morning and you'll be included in the drawing!

Just a little bit of info. on the follower's list. If you're just becoming a follower don't think that your chances are going to be any more slim because you're at the bottom of the list- because that's not how it works. My follower's list is ALPHABETIZED by your profile name so you'll be squeezed in the list where your name fits. Make sense!? Good! Now get followin! :o)

Even though I'll be picking a winner from my Follower's don't forget to check out my new Urban Life pattern and leave me a comment telling me what you think of this one!


Urban Life

There is something special about this pattern and it's not just because it's made of fabulous fabric designed by Cute Kate:

It's a 2-in-1!

Quilt #1

Quilt #2

I LOVED these fabrics from Kate's new line 'Central Park' (out in Jan.- I believe) when I first saw a sneak peek on Kate's blog I knew I had to divide the colorways- even though they look WONDERFUL all together too (see here).
Everyone likes to get a little extra for their buck- especially in today's economy. And since the colorways were speaking to me (yes, they do do that) I went on with my jumbled thoughts and created 'Urban Life'.
The best part of 'Urban Life' is that it only takes 1 Layer Cake and some background yardage to make BOTH quilts! Yeah, you heard me. AND- because I don't like complicated- these quilts really are a cinch to whip together! But you don't have to use 'Central Park' if you don't want to- and you don't have to divide colorways either. These quilt patterns would look so cute done in just about everything!
So, whataya think!?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DAY #2!

So, do you want to know who won the DAY #1 Giveaway?.... Number 6!

CaraQuilts from London, Ontario, CANADA!
Yeah, Cara! Don't forget to send me an email with your shipping info!

Did you have fun with yesterday's giveaway? I hope so! Make sure you read through the whole post to find out how to qualify for each giveaway!

Today I'm going to mix it up a bit. Hold on to your hats!

On the LEFT side of my blog there's a Facebook link. See it? Yes, there it is. For today's contest you need to leave a comment on my facebook page. ONLY the facebook comments will count for today's contest. The reason I am doing this is because I am going to start posting special offers on facebook and if you don't follow my feed you might miss out! :o)

Wanna see what you can win!?

14 Whimsicals Fat quarters and a spool of brown variegated thread to quilt it with!
I absolutely LOVE Whimsicals fabrics. They are just the right amount of folksy for me and the colors and PERFECT! I was thinking when I posted today's prize that it would be BEAUTIFUL made up in my new pattern Piccadilly. Can you see it? I can!
SO before you run over to Facebook- don't forget to check out the NEW pattern featured below.
See you tomorrow for another giveaway!
Tootles! :o)


When I first caught a glimpse of "Sunkissed" on the Sweetwater blog I knew I had to have it! In fact, I was going a little crazy and didn't even get the name of the line when I first tried tracking it down. (Kinda makes it difficult!) At Sample Spree it was flying off the tables like CRAZY. (You have to be careful with Sample Spree- lots of elbows. For the most part people are nice- we just all get a little crazy when it comes to fabric!) Here's a peek at their booth in Houston- BEAUTIFUL! Everytime I see what they come up with I start trying to figure out which room in my house I can make over to have the same look and feel as their booth. :o)
So I wanted to do a posey with this quilt but I wanted it to be a little different. I used the 'idea' of a snowball block but added a few elements from my Maison Bleue pattern. I used a layer cake (I just love 'em!) but you can use whatever you want. The blocks go together quickly and are much easier to piece than you'd think by just looking at it. And for those of you addicted to hand needle-work, I think embroidered vines and flowers throughout the sashing would look STUNNING! Anyone up for that challenge!? :O)

Monday, November 15, 2010



One of the best parts of quilt market is the SWAG! There's a good reason why some companies pass out tote bags as a promotional item- they realize that we need extra room to carry all the rest of the stuff we'll be picking up from other booths.

Here is just a sampling of SOME of the things I brought back from quilt market:

Fabric (of course!), Thread, Needles, Books, Thimbles, Rulers, fusible strips (for bag handles!)

and there's SO MUCH MORE that didn't get in this picture. The best part- I'm giving it ALL AWAY!!!

Over the course of this next week I will be previewing one of my new patterns and offering a giveaway as well. That being said there's going to be MANY opportunities to WIN!

Want to see what I'm giving away today?

The absolutely adorable book: "Homemade gifts with love" by Catherine Woram that has ideas and projects for all sorts of crafts. Simple, easy to make trinkets perfect for holiday giving. Also, 6 fat quarters from Windham's beautiful 'Love & Kisses' just in time to get started on those wonderful Valentine projects. Wait- don't start yet. You'll want to see my NEW pattern for Valentine's Day (this one will be released in Dec.). And a package of 'chenille' needles. Now I'm not going to lie here- I have NO IDEA what you use these needles for but I'm sure they're FANTASTIC! :o)

Today's contest: ROLL CALL! All you have to do to be entered to win: post a comment with your city and state (eg: Minneapolis, MN) on the 'PARK CITY' post below (I know, I'm being tricky) and you'll be entered to win. I will pick the winner tomorrow morning. So really, get on it.

Check back tomorrow morning to see another FABULOUS pattern, to see if you're a winner, and to enter in ANOTHER CONTEST! :o)

Park City

I am SO EXCITED about this quilt. Iy has been a vision for quite some time and FINALLY is in print. Wanna hear a couple stories? I thought so.

DO you remember back here when I posted about visiting Just Sew? Well, a little recap: I met the cutest gal in th shop that just happened to have one of my patterns in her hand (Flora & Fauna). We talked fabric choices for a while and then I let her do her thing ( didn't want to vrowd her). I was at the cutting table having my goods cut when she brought up the most FABULOUS stack of bolts. I had to have them! So I got FQ's of everything!

Fast forward to today and VOILA! Do you see it? I used that whole stack (and a few extras from the stash) for PARK CITY!

One more quick bit on the name. Had a wonderful lunch with a couple friends a few months back. Moose was there and so was April. We had a nice lunch and talked all sorts of fabric related talk. I mentioned that I was having a hard time with a name for an upcoming pattern. I also mentioned a recent trip to PC (Park City, UT) with the hubs. That's when April said "Why don't you name it Park City!?" GENIUS that girl! And so I did. But April's contribution didn't stop there- in a frantic race to get all my new quilts and patterns done before a deadline April pieced the quilt for me! Didn't she do a fabulous job!?

Now here's the cool thing- it is a LAYER CAKE pattern. But obviously I used FQ's for mine. Doesn't matter what you use as long as you cut your fabric down to 10" squares. It's all in the instructions. :o)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Feeling better

My little girl is doing so much better. The stomach pain is mostly gone and today she was RUNNING which is amazing because the last two days she couldn't even walk. The rash on her legs spread like crazy but looks to have finally stopped. She is begging to go back to school so I have arranged to go with her and assist her around the classroom as needed on Monday.

So, with that, I am planning on having my AWESOME week of prizes starting on MONDAY.
Make sure you tune in EVERYDAY to see what new things I have to share!

See you soon!

Monday, November 8, 2010

One more TINY excuse

Life is never dull around here, I'll tell you that much.

I returned home from market last monday. On Wednesday morning I took my sweet little girl in for a tonsilectomy. She was home recovering just fine until Friday evening when she showed me some tiny red dots on her feet. A couple calls to the surgeon and we assumed it was an allergic reaction. (I wasn't completely sold on this idea because with massive tonsils she'd been on antibiotics several times before and never had a problem.)
Saturday morning we wake to a very sad little girl. Her feet were worse and bruised- she could hardly walk. Also, her tummy was hurting her really bad (I assumed she was a bit constipated from not eating and drinking a ton since her surgery.) The surgeon told us that if anything got worse to take her to the ER where they would give her IV steroids for the allergic reaction. SO we hopped in the car and drove to the ER.

First thing the Dr. told us- NOT an allergic reaction. He could tell us several things it WASN'T but didn't quite know what it was. We waited for a while until the Pediatric Hospitalist came to see her. He walked into the room, took one look at her feet and said "She has HSP"

Um...What!? Never even heard of it. Apparently it's not extremely rare- but uncommon enough that we had all kinds of Dr's, Nurses, and students coming into the room to see.

Then the bad news- the pain is so intense that we often have to give morphine. HUH!? To my little 5 year old? So she was admitted and given morphine and tylenol for pain. It's too long to explain what HSP is- but it's not fun. There is no cure- they can only treat symptoms. If you search the web and read about it there is one thing you should know: although it can be quite serious, my daughter has a mild case of it. She was released from the hospital last night when they decided that she no longer needed morphine for the pain and would do ok at home with other pain meds.

We're home now- but she's not better. It could be a week or so before the pain is gone completely.

I'm delaying my week long party of new patterns and goodies until next week. I hope you'll understand.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A little help?

After every market I come home thinking I want a new look. I just see so many awesome things there and start feeling like my things are a little bland. Thankfully I have wonderful friends who always talk me out of it and compliment me on how nice my products look. But this time I've decided to actually do something.

I'm changing my logo.

I've always liked my logo- but I've never LOVED it. I want something that I'll love. At the same time, I don't want to change too much and people not recognize my products. I've been fiddling around the past couple days and I've come up with a few ideas. So I've decided to let YOU pick your favorite. :o)

#1: Square
#2: Plain

#3: Long
#4: Circle
(sorry for the crazy sizes!- you get the idea)
I've added a poll in the top right column of the blog. You can vote for your favorite there.
Also, starting next week I will be showcasing each of my new patterns and giving away some of the wonderful items I picked up at market. And when I say wonderful, I mean WONDERFUL!

Seriously, I came home with a TON of swag- and I'm going to give it all away to YOU!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I am living my dream....

thanks for tuning in and supporting me! :o)