Sunday, February 28, 2010


OMGosh! I totally spaced picking and posting a winner yesterday. Ugh, it was a crazy day. But LATE is always better than never, right!?

I am so giddy about this winner. I randomly picked a post and GENE BLACK is the winner. He said:

"I signed up days ago. I am loving that Simple abundance jelly roll. I think the timing on this quilt along will be perfect for me to finish a top with no problems. I am sure I have some fabric that will go just perfect with the jelly roll -if I win it. Color me red and aqua for excited!"

So I am just loving this for 2 reasons:
He likes red and aqua- just like me! (and the rest of the quilting world, I'm afraid)
and he's a HE! Now who doesn't love a man that quilts!?

Well Gene, send me an email ASAP with your address so I can get this JR in the mail to you!

On a side note- I'm taking a short break. I'll be going under the knife on tues. so it may be a little bit before you hear from me. I'm thinking of starting nother Grandma's Flower Garden for my hospital stay. I just don't think I can be away from fabric for that long! See you soon.


Shannon said...

What do you need help with? Can I take Paris for you sometime? What about dinner one night? Quilts to be bound? You name I can help. I will call you tomorrow morning, I need to catch up with you. Hie things go well.

She sews and scraps said...

Congratulations to the winner! lucky dude!

I will say a prayer for you!

DIDI said...

Great for Gene and luck for you on tuesday!

Jandi said...

Congrats to Gene and good luck to you on Tuesday! I hope you're not laid up for long.

Gene Black said...

Thank you so much. The email will be going out SOON.

As for your surgery, I will be saying a little prayer if you don't mind - well I hope you don't mind. My hope for you is a SPEEDY Recovery.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations to the winner and hope all goes well for you!

Moose on the Porch Quilts said...

Congrats Gene! Good luck tomorrow!

Shelina said...

I wish you well on your surgery, and a speedy recovery.

Rennie said...

Hello, I'am Rennie from Leiden from the Netherlands and I wrote with much interest your lovely blog. What a lovely quilts you show I enjoy it!
I invite you on my blog