Tuesday, September 29, 2009
show and TELL!
However, I've had quite a few comments on my last post with 'Cheery O's' so I thought I would address them.
THERE IS NO CURVED PIECING! But if I let you in on all of my secrets then nobody would need to go buy my patterns, right!?
So here's the deal. I'm going to GIVE AWAY a free pattern!
Leave me a comment telling me what 'color' phase you're into right now. For example: I went to my local shop this morning and bought 4 yards of yellow fabric from Simple Abundance (it's for a back) but I LOVE yellow right now. What about you?
Also, you can earn extra entries by having your friends comment on this post, too. Just make sure they put their name AND your name at the bottom of their post, so you get credit. Get it!?
I'll tally up the comments and pick a winner Thursday morning. GOOD LUCK!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Cheery O's
Here's the best part about this quilt- IT'S EASY! You know me, anything that's going to take a long time or give me a headache is out of the question. There's no fancy piecing, no secret technique, just some basic sewing and a little applique. I promise- once you get this pattern, you won't make just one! :o)

Ninety Nines!
By the way- it's made using a Jelly Roll and a Charm Pack! Check back tomorrow to see another NEW pattern!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Simply Charming FUN!
If I was more computerly-inclined I would figure out a way to steal a pic from her and post it here- but I'm not. So go to her blog and see the cute pix. Did you see the fish!? Oh, it is to die for cute!
See you soon!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
More Show and Tell!
Show and Tell!
Remember, if you have something to 'show and tell' please email me a picture to post here on the blog. Or, send me your link so I can link to your blog to show!
Happy first day of fall!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Color Theory
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Now What!?
Ok, well my captions didn't turn out very good. The strips is the fabric that I fell in love with. It's from 'Hey Sugar' by Cosmo Cricket. Can you believe what a good match that piece from 'Deer Valley' is?
So here's my latest purchse- NOW WHAT!?
I'd love your help deciding on a pattern for this fabric. Obviously it doesn't have to be one of MY patterns. But if you comment and suggest something and I decide to do it, who knows? Maybe I'll send you a little something for your help ;o)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is MY latest project. I was greatly inspired by this post and decided it was time to make myself a quilt- for my bed. I've made plenty of quilts for ME, but everytime I start a king-size I get burned out and finish it much smaller. This time I'm in it to the end. I have my whole bedroom planned around it. I'll take before and after pictures and post it some day!
-Do you have projects to show? Email me at crazyoldladies@gmail.com and send me a pic. I'll post it on "Show and Tell Tuesday". And if it's a COL quilt pattern you'll get entered into a drawing for FREE COL patterns. Happy sewing!
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm not usually this cheerful on Monday's. But all my children are off to school and I'm eating my Honey Bunches of Oats w/ Peaches in pure silence. Who wouldn't be cheerful? ;o)
So I've been thinking---- I need something on my blog.
I need a thing.
Something for YOU to look forward to,
and something for ME to not have to think about.
And so, I am pleased to announce the beginning of
I am always, ALWAYS, interested in what you've been working on. Doubly so if it's a COL project (see below). I mention to people all the time that I would LOVE for them to email me a picture of their quilt.
So here's the deal: SEND ME A PICTURE and a little blurb and I'll post you on my blog.
Fun huh?
Every tuesday I'll gather together all the emails you send and feature them on the blog.
They can be any projects you want to share, but like I said, I would LOVE to see your COL projects.
At the end of every month, all the COL project posts will be entered into a drawing for a FREE COL pattern.
My email is on the right side of blog.
Don't forget to include your name, where you live (City & State, or just State is fine) and a blog link if you have one.
I look forward to seeing what you've been up to!