Monday, December 13, 2010

Minor Setback

I'm going in for another surgery this morning. A few weeks ago the Dr's found a couple of lymphnodes of questionable nature. I opted to have them taken out rather than risk the chance of leaving them alone. And since I've been in the hospital enough this year to meet my out-of-pocket max I decided to squeeze this one in before the end of the year.

So if you don't hear from me for about a week, you know why.

I hope all of your Holiday prep is going well. Sew a little for me, will ya!? :o)


Karen said...

Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers as you undergo removal of some lymph nodes and await the report. Hang in there.

Hugs, Karen

Unknown said...

Hope all goes well ... will be thinking of you ... and sewing a little too!

Yvonne said...

You are so right to let them take those out asap. Hope everything will go alright and that the new year will be a good and healthy one for you. Take care, I will be thinking of you!

Regina said...

I'm sorry to hear that. Glad you are getting the surgery over. Hoping you're feeling ok.

Beth said...

Hugs. Hope all goes well. I will sew a little for you, but you hurry and get well ok?

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and your surgical team. Hope your recovery is speedy!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Healthy thoughts and prayers. Yes, I'll think of you while I do some of my stitching.

Amy said...

We will be thinking of you.

Joy said...

Keep us posted on how you are doing. It is nice to get it done and now have to worry about it through the holidays.

MJ said...

Best wishes for your surgery... heal quick.

Shelina said...

{{hugs}} and prayers.

Jan said...

Thinking of you and praying that all will go well!

Tiffany said...

Hoping all is well with you!

C said...

Wishing you good news.