Do you tweet? Meaning: Do you Twitter?
I tried to Twitter. But between Twitter and Facebook I just can't keep up with all of it. Not to mention this blog which goes in spurts!
So I want to know: Do you tweet or do you FB? Or do you do BOTH? What do you prefer?
I'm just asking.
My new goal is to tweet at least once a week. And FB at least that often too.
I hope to post here at least 3 times a week but don't hold your breath! :o)
I don't tweet or facebook - I opened a fb once and within a week I had hijackers,spam, hackers and an identity theft attempt - that was it for me.
both. I love fb and tweeting is fun and i find totally silly most days. but I still keep going back.
No Twitter--it seems really silly to me. And no FaceBook, either. I do have a blog, but no desire to go any deeper into social media, and all the problems it brings along, such as those mentioned by Vrooman's Quilts.
I facebook regularly. Don't twitter though.
Blog and FaceBook! Love FaceBook and just cannot seem to "get into" Twitter! LOL
Me...blogger and Facebook. Tried the Twitter thing/still have the acct....not my cup of tea. And you are right! All three is too much!
Blog is better.
I mostly blog, but FB too. No since in tweeting if I already FB. Plus who has time for all of them.
I have been wondering the exact same thing! I will be watching here to see what people say. I have a blog and I do FB. My FB was started mostly for family and friends. I know several other fabric/quilt people that keep their FB just for family and friends. I just don't "get" Twitter.
I started FB before I had the blog.Since I have the blog now I would much rather keep up with that and I love, love, love reading blogs. I almost never FB now.
Thanks so much for this tutorial! I did this for a friends wedding party and it worked jolly good. It lasts the whole evening
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