Monday, August 15, 2011

A time to share

So I have this bag. This isn't a picture of the actual bag. My husband is off on an adventure in the mountains for the next few days and he has my camera. But the bag is very similar to this one. It's roughly 8 inches wide, 10 inches high and 4 inches deep. If you're good at math (geometry?) you can figure out how many square inches it can hold. I'm not. I just know that it is stuffed beyond capacity with


And since I haven't had a giveaway in quite a while I thought I would give it to one of YOU!

Naturally you need to be a follower. If you're not- become one. If you already are, then AWESOME! Next, leave me a comment telling me the best/favorite thing you did this summer. (I'm trying to live vicariously through all of you!)

I'll pick a winner on FRIDAY!  :o)

Good luck!


Tiffany said...

Im a follower!

I had a beach day down in Rehoboth, DE with my husband 2 weeks ago - that was awesome. I also went with him to DC to see Wicked for my birthday the week before that, which was equally awesome. Those were the hightlights of my summer :)

DianeY said...

Babysitting my 6 & 8 yo grandkids was my favorite! Summer kind of takes on new meanings when the kids grow up!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I'm a follower and just would die for some coastal scraps. My summer - I don't go anywhere, but I celebrated my birthday with a month long give away on my blog - all thru May "MAY FOR ME".

Brenda said...

I spent a week in Ontario's Muskoka region, at my sister's cottage. We quilted our hearts out and finished two large quilts for the two bedrooms there. Had a blast!


peggy said...

This was a very restful summer with grandchildren and quilting. How much better can it get?

Alassel said...

I've been a follower for a while and would LOVE some Going Coastal scraps! I can't find the gray kelp print anywhere, it's making me sad!

The favorite thing that I've done this summer was a white-water rafting trip down the Hoh River on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. It was so beautiful, and a LOT of fun! :)

Jenny Gastler said...

The best thing I did this summer was going to see Mama Mia with my Mom and sister! It was the perfect girls weekend out! Thanks for the chance to win!

Heather said...

You have been in my Reader, but now I am a follower :) Or a stalker, which is it? LOL! I can’t wait to get some of your fabric, my house is decorated with a Beachy décor, and I love your fabric, it totally matches my house. Something fun I’ve done this summer is drive through Colorado, the mountains were AMAZING, I was in awe the whole drive.

Phebe and Jane said...

I recently found your blog and have become a follower. I think your going coastal fabric is super. I am waiting for the fat quarters to become available.
The best thing I did this summer was going to Rome with my husband and 3 daughters. We had a wonderful time. There was a very old church with a patchwork floor (see my blog on july 13 for pictures).

Michele said...

I've been hanging out by the pool barbecuing a lot this summer. Very relaxing!

Andrea R said...

We went to Montreal. :)
And last weekend we went to visit my mom, who lives by the water. I had brought a table topper I quilted for her. :)

Kelly said...

I filled my porch with lots of Gerbera Daisies in planters. I smile every time is walk out on it.

Barb said...

I am a follower and have been for a long time! I traveled to two new quilt shops this summer--that was fun, but they did not have Going Coastal and I love everything about the beach. Made a trip to the Cape and walked on the beach and read. Just relaxed. Then I have been quilting and all related quilting things! Getting my daughter ready to go back for her senior year of college and my son ready for his freshman year of high school. I so hope I am lucky! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!

Sallie said...

What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance! I'm a follower.

Sallie said...

My favorite summer activity is just hanging out with my family. I like playing games and eating snowcones.

Cheryl said...

Hello, I too am a follower. My summer has been spent working...ugh! I have also spent many hours quilting and gardening. Thanks for the chance to win.


charlotte said...

I am a follower. I am waiting for my order of Going Coastal to show up, hopefully tomorrow. I had to select carefully the ones I wanted, since I had a budget for what I could spend. I would love to add some scraps to that for an even better quilt project.

Sharon Pernes said...

I am a follower, great blog.
My favorite thing that I did this summer was o to my cousins wedding. I saw all my family and danced the night away.

Gill said...

Best thing this summer?? Hearing that my husband's cancer hadn't spread as we'd feared

JusticeBlog said...

I'm a follower of course!

My favorite was going to the crawdad festival in california earlier this summer with my family and my grandpa (this is one of his favorite events every year). I'm not sure how much longer he will be around, so it was so nice to get to spend such a wonderful day with him (esp. since I live in Utah) and we all had a blast!

Now that i think about it, wouldn't it be nice to make a quilt out of going coastal to remember the day and the crawdad festival!? They are pretty similar to those cute crabs!

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

oh wow! I'm a follower. I haven't done anything too fun this summer. I have finally managed to get pregnant which is super exciting, but that means I've been sick for the last 3 months - lol! Have some pity and send scraps. :)

Jennifer said...

Im a follower! I've been teaching summer school, which ended TODAY so I have 2 weeks to make summer count! BEACHHH!

paulette said...

Of course I'm a Follower!! The best thing that I did this summer?? hmmmm...My husband and I have really gotten into hiking in a BIG way and have done all/most of the trails all along the West Coast of Vancouver Island!! So beautiful and good for you too!! All I need to make my summer complete is some Going Coastal scraps!! SEW pretty!! Thanks for the chance!

heidiabc said...

With a 5yo and 14 month old twins our excursions this summer have been short and sometimes sweet (it's been too hot around here to do much outside sadly) but my favorite thing we did this summer was to see the David Roger's BIG BUGS exhibit at one of our local parks - BEAUTIFUL! Thank you!

lisa said...

the best thing I did this summer was move. I now live closer to my family, into a great library system, and transfered to a fun store for work. It's nice to start over in a more positive place.

Jenny said...

yahoo! Going Coastal!!
I follow your blog.
best thing we did this summer....we took a short camping trip...and lucky for me we didnt need a tent since my in laws left their RV for our use!! we spent time with my BIL & SIL and their horses...and we swam in the lake...and we took boat rides...the kids had the very best time. it was a lovely time...wish summer could last longer.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Love your fabric Emily!
The best think I did this summer was to take my granddaughter swimming on our own beach - hoping this is the start of something since we have two more grandchildren now! I hope they all love the water.

BijouxBaby said...

I'm a follower. I went to visit my mother in Ohio and helped her go through her mother's things, including the linen closet (swoon!) and the craft room (whole bolts of linen!) . It had been a long time since I got to hang out with my mom, without the kids around. It felt great to know that I was helping her with a difficult task and the swag I brought home more than paid for the gas money.

mean sarah jean said...

I follow you! Let's see ... the most fun thing I've done this summer is take my 2yr old boy fishing for the first time! He asks me evey day now to take him fishing :)

Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

I am a faithful follower and love your Going Costal fabrics, haven't been able to see any in person yet though. I didn't do anything too excited this summer. I live in Rapid City, SD, so went to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally one night with my girlfriends to listen to some great music, dance and watch people! There is always something interesting to look at up there. I don't have a motorcycle, just like to visit!

Nancy said...

I am a follower and would love to have your scraps...

This summer we are renovating a house..please don't be's a lot of hard work...

Connie said...

My favorite thing was going to watch my grands, in weekin ball tournment, I really enjoy this, also remodeling my sewing room so i can get back to sewing!!!!!

ZanBryDesigns said...

My husband travels for work and this summer we tagged along. Our first stop was Memphis Tn, then onto Oklahoma City, Ok. While I found some super cute quilt shops we did take the kids to a lot of the local places like Bricktown, Stock Yard City, and the Zoo. But when we went to the site of the Oklahoma City bombing. Not only is the memorial beautiful but it has to be the most peaceful place in middle of downtown. I told my kids which are 6 and 4 what happened and what the chairs meant. The one thing my son asked is Why? And then my daughter asking if they were in Heaven.It was a trip I will never forget.

The Peacock family said...

I am a follower..... The funnest thing I did this summer was go to Hawaii with my hubby and friends :)

wendy said...

I have been quilting all summer - made a little blanket for a friend's little girl, have a quilt top done for my niece, there is a holiday quilt all cut up and ready to go and on a completely different front we no longer have diapers in the house! we've stayed pretty close to home this summer.

Nurseli said...

I'm already a follower! I took a leave of absence from work to focus on me and my child. I was stressed out and exhausted. It was the best thing I ever did. We take time to go to the beach and do things and i'm glad I did it. I should be getting my going coastal fabric in the mail any day now! Scraps are nice too!

CJ said...

I am a follower. My fave thing this summer was going to the OR coast for a week where I got to see my kids (they are both working there).

pklaw said...

I'm a follower via Google Reader.
My husband and I sat on the beach overlooking Lake Michigan and watched the sunset. Very peaceful! I was also able to spend a lot of time with my grandchildren which is always fun!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I am a happy follower too. The best summer days for me are the ones where you do absolutely nothing!~ read a good book, relax and stitch, enjoy the sunshine. Seems like most of this summer we were meeting ourselves coming or going at the door for appointments. ;-) Have a happy day!

Char said...

I've been a follower for quite some time through Google Reader ... but silly me, I just found out that I actually have to click the follow tab so that everyone knows that ... oh well... got it covered, LOVE your blog. I would die for going costal scraps! My favorite thing this summer is when all the girls and I from H.S. got together at Disneyland with our families (some coming from as far away as Hong Kong) to celebrate turning 40 this year! Amazing memories and we are all still young enough to scream through all the rides... good times :)

robin said...

I enjoyed a week of having my eldest daughter home! I had not seen her in almost a year. She lives about a 24 hour drive away.

Great giveaway - I love Going Coastal!!! :)

Annelies said...

oh YES I am a follower....and LOVE Coastal ( more than you could ever know)!!!
Favorite thing this summer was bringing our new Grandson to visit the beach. Another generation....Picure my Mom ( 88) me ( 58) sweet daugther and new Momma, and our adorable Donovan. What JOY!!!!

Sinta Renee said...

I have just been searching for little bundles of Going Coastal... I have found a great pattern I want to use and the ideas are spinning around in my head of what else I would love to make with this fabric line. Please enter me into the giveaway:) I would love a chance to win!

Sinta Renee said...

P.S. I already am a follower!

Tiffany said...

The best thing I did this summer was go wakeboarding at our parent's cabin. Wahoo!

Donna said...

My favorite summer treat was this past Saturday. My parents were visiting from Mississippi and by an unusual set of circumstances I had them all to myself Saturday - no siblings, no grands, no great grands. It was a wonderful day! Don't get me wrong - I love spending time with all those other relatives but it is a rare occasion when I get a whole day with just my parents.

onlymehere said...

I'm already a follower. The best thing I did this summer was taking my granddaughters on a day trip and having the time of my life as they made me laugh all day. Considering they're ages 3 and 1 this was a miracle that no one cried or got cranky the whole day. I absolutely can think of nothing better than spending a day with those I love, no matter what we're doing.

cynthia said...

I am s follower. The best thing this summer--so far, but I don't think I'll top it, was meeting my new granddaughter on July 28.

Jonathan said...

Beach days were my favorite, even though we didn't get to go as often as I would have liked. And of course, good quilting times☺

Terry said...

The highlight of my summer was seeing the neighbor's newborn pygmy goats when they were just an hour old! It doesn't sound like much, but I'm learning to take pleasure in the simple things life offers! And I'm a follower! :0)

Cheri C. said...

So, the best is yet to come... I'm going "Coastal" in about 2 weeks!!! I haven't been to the beach in over 5 years and I've had to work every day except Sunday this summer. So, I'm heading to the beach on Labor Day weekend (with me and a million others, I'm sure :)). So, I would love the chance to get scraps from Going Coastal... I so love this line and can't wait to get some - even if they are scraps!!!!

Patty said...

Would love to win. I spent a week at the beach.

rubyslipperz1052 said...

I (me, by my 58 year old self)drove my two grandboys (6&9) almost 900 miles from Lehi, Ut to Gig Harbor Washington (pics on my blog). We went to visit their cousins (our son and his family). We played on the shoreline, boated, shopped and in general had a great time. After 6 days, we drove home along the Columbia was SO BEE-utiful!! I stopped overnight in Boise and visited a great little quilt store there.

I LUV your fabrics! I'm crossing fingers and toes...that maybe, I might win!


erin said...

My favorite thing this summer will hopefully be the next 2 weeks, on vacation with my husband travelling from Prince George, Through Vancouver, down to Washington and back.

Stephanie said...

I am a follower. The best thing I did this summer was being home with my kids. I have always worked full time and not been able to be home with my kids. This summer I am out of work, and while that stinks and makes money an issue, I got to spend every day with my babies (well they're 16 14 10 and 6 but they will always be my babies).

Mom2RyandSis said...

I'm a follower. My favorite thing this summer was spending time with my kids, just bumming around the beach or pool and library.

Karen O said...

Hi, I am having fun with your blog as a follower. My favorite time this summer was the past 4 weeks - final 4 of 8 weeks of recovery after major surgery. I got to be home with my kids. :)

Fan4may said...

I have only been to the pool so far but I am heading to the beach next week. Fan4may at aol dot com

Lydia said...

My cousin came to visit, and I had fun showing her around the coast of Charleston, SC.

Anonymous said...

The best was having my grandson here for 10 whole days last month. He's such a character :) He just turned 7, loves to read, and likes math. Sounds like me--well except for the age part ;)

Kira said...

Best thing: acreage in Montana. Peace. Quiet. Freedom.

Colleen said...

I've had you on my Google Reader for some time, but am now a follower.

We just got back from a trip to Ottawa (Canada), which is our nation's capital. I had never been there. We toured the Parliament Buildings and the Supreme Court, but the highlight was the beautiful Museum of Civilization. If you ever get a chance to visit, I highly recommend it.

Just Sew Sue said...

I'm following you but not in a stalker sort of way!!

I thoroughly enjoyed going to the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, England last week. I also think I'm going to enjoy today as we're going to the little island of Sark for the day and we're hiring bicycles. I haven't ridden a bicycle for probably 20 years. It's going to be very funny.

Anne said...

The best thing i did this summer? Dang, I didn't do a lot. I made some quilts, finished some quilts... OH, I know, I went to the theater to see Harry Potter 3d! That's it!

Lori said...

I got to have a wonderful two week visit with my daughter and one year old granddaughter. Loved it!!!

Jo said...

DH and I took a wonderful trip down the Oregon Coast. We ran into a quilt show I didn't know about in Florence for me to see and a Drag Strip, that was new to us, in Coos Bay for him to spend the day at.

Kenna said...

I'm a happy follower!
My favorite thing I did this summer was marry the love of my life on a gorgeous july evening with our family and friends there to celebrate. What makes it more special is that he was the man who saw no benefit to being married a year ago but was the giddiest and most darling groom!!

Kristen said...

I haven't really had vacation this summer, so I'm hungry for some Going Coastal fabric. I did take two days off and took my son to some historical landmarks - Monticello, Appomattox Court House, and Poplar Forest (Jefferson's second home). I'm a follower and would love the chance to win.

Sharon Pernes said...

I added your giveaway to my blog page

love this giveaway

Tracey said...

Now I'm officially a follower, before I was a stalker in my rss feed! Best parts of my summmer was: 1.My husband getting a great job after a year of unemployment and 2.My mom coming to visit and quilting together. said...

OOOOoooo, I LOVE scrap bags!

I've had you on my blogroll for a number of months now and have just become a follower.

My favorite thing that I did this summer was start making hexies at the cottage and in the car. Probably not the answer you were looking for but I loved every second of it!

Nicole @ Patchwork Duck Designs said...

I'm a follower! This summer, we went to the Berkshires. We went to the beautiful Norman Rockwell museum (makes me appreciate his art so much more now!) and heard James Taylor in concert. A great weekend!

Laura said...

Yay! I had a fabulous time with my family at Bear Lake this summer -- great family reunion!

Yvonne said...

How exiting! Another give away!
Who couldn't use some scraps? We have the rule here in the Netherlands that we use everything that is the size of a stamp or bigger.
The favourite thing this summer I have been doing is the day I spend in the hospital with my daughter and son in law when our first granddaughter was born on July the 20th. It was so special to be there at that magical moment of giving birth, there is nothing better than becoming a grandma!
Good luck with your drawing and to the winner!

Beeps said...

Ooh, ooh... so generous! I've been getting your blog in my "reader" account for a long time, but I'm officially a follower now, too. This summer my husband and I splurged on a one-of-a-kind trip: we went to France, Portugal, Spain, and Italy. It was AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

My favourite and the ONLY thing we did this summer, is camp on the couch, out of the heat, and watch tons of movies on netflix. :-) Things are too tight right now to take an actual vacation. I think we've been saying for years, "next year." LOL.. But we're happy and healthy, and we have more than we could possibly ask for.

Janie said...

I am a follower and I spent a week on the northern Calif. coast. So wonderful to finally go back to Carmel by the Sea............

Kathy A. said...

I have a stack of Going Coastal on my sewing just arrived!!! It's so spectacular!! I don't want to cut it up so please send your scraps to me...I can start with those.
Living in West Texas with record setting heat all summer has made me staycation in my quilting room. Have to say it's not a bad way to spend the summer...lots of projects completed!
Don't delay order your Going Coastal today...the pictures just don't do it justice. Can't wait to see your next collection:)

Beth said...

I am a follower. Today was my best day of the summer. A blogging buddy that I have never met face to face was in town. I took her to some of my favorite quilt shops and we had lunch and talked and talked and talked. Great day.

krislovesfabric said...

I am a the Going Coastal line! I have 2 yds each of the red crab and the bottlecaps...would love some scraps to make a quilt!!! My favorite vacation spot this summer was Hocking Hills in central Ohio. We hiked caves with waterfalls. My son's favorite trail is "Fat Woman's Squeeze":)

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower, just signed up:) Your Coastal fabric is wonderful! I grew up near the beach and we have taken a family vacation every year for almost 30 years at the beach. :) Would love some of your scraps!
The most favorite thing I have done this summer, spending time with our kids and grandkids each week as we met once a week to swim, play and picnic. Grandbabies are so sweet!!!

Susan said...

This sounds kind of strange but my favorite thing we have done this summer is NOT doing something. We've had a very relaxing summer here in Southern California. My teenage boys have had many beach, bike riding and hanging out with friend days while I have enjoyed lots of sewing and quilting. By the way I just found your fabric via the Aug/Sept issue of Quilter's Home. Just adorable. :)

Angela D. said...

I'm a follower! thanks for the opportunity to win some fabulous scraps. The best thing I've done so far this summer was going to Maui for a week with friends. So nice and relaxing!

Beth said...

I'm a brand-new follower. The very best part of my summer has been time spent with some of my dearest friends. We've known each other for about 35 years. In June we celebrated their parents' 50th anniversary. This weekend it will be the wedding of one of their children. I am so blessed to have such good friends, so lucky to be part of such a loyal, loving circle.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Mommarock said...

I surprised my mom and dad at a family reunion. I hadn't seen them in too many years. Although I talk to her every week. I just walked up and sat down at the picnic table next to them, and oh weren't they surprised!! It was GREAT!! They had 6 of their 7 kids with them that weekend, and it hadn't happened for them in 20 years!

Sarah ACP said...

I have been watching your site for a while, now I follow. The most fun thing I did this summer was enjoy my daughter at the parade. She did cartwheels and handstands down main street with her gymnastics club. Thanks for the giveaway. slp

Trish said...

I would love some coastal scraps! My favorite thing this summer was the giant slip-n-slide at my brother in law's place! Always a good time, even though I ended up with a giant bruise on my butt

Natalie said...

I would LOVE your scraps! My favorite summer activity was spending a weekend in Eden, UT. It was picturesque and the weather was amazing!

tjm24271 said...

I work full time 12 hour shifts, have been canning all summer and keeping grandkids when I have a day off. I have a quilt retreat coming up in October and was wanting to make a scrap quilt. I have been collecting some scraps and thought that bag full of scraps would be heaven sent. I can't wait for my quilt retreat to get here because it is so relaxing and deffinately will be the best part of my summer even if it is a little late. Love your blog and am a follower, found you on Green Fairy blog. Best

Richardson said...

Lets see, we were able to go down South to see our son graduate from Army boot camp. Then we went to Navoo Temple and was able to eat at the coolest resturante that was decorated the way it was when it was a hotel. And fireflies on my I thought my hubby would just die. We have sooooooo many pics of little blurps where he was trying to catch the fireflies on camera. Other than that we stayed here in Colorado and did things around time, like going to Pueblo for the weekend and found the neatest quilt shop. I love to find them in the old buildings that were left in the original decor. Lastly I have to tell you my DH went with me into a quilt store, and I'm looking around and drooling over everything. I went to check out and he asks the lady did you make that mistake on purpose like a humble block maybe. Well she looked at him kinda crazy and said excuse me. He pointed out that one of the blocks was inserted differently than the others. She was so embarrassed because she had taught that class and hung it up by the register with such pride and sooooooo many people had seen this quilt and never said anything. I was mortified to say the least and he just chuckled.

Vicki R
P O Box 33737
Northglenn, CO 80233

Mom C said...

Visited around thru out the summer and played with every one of our 18 grandchildren. Only one day of all of them together (thang heavens) smaller doses are easier to connect and enjoy. And I have enjoyed playing, reading and being with them.

Jackie said...

I had 17 puppies that has taken a lot of my summer up.....They are getting fun to play with.

Ginger said...

Moved from Indiana to Arizona. We are so happy to be here, despite the heat!
thanks for the great giveaway!

Ashley said...

I would have to say my favorite thing I did this summer was paddle boarding in Hawaii! Its so peaceful being way out in the ocean on a board! :)

Kellye Quilts said...

The best thing I did this summer is take up quilting! I love it and it quickly became an obsession. : )

Deb said...

We just got back from a week at the beach...BEST.WEEK. My Great Uncle has a cottage he rents and we used to go when I was a little kid. It'd been about 25 years since I'd seen it. So fun to go with my hubs and three boys. A cottage. On the beach. Doesn't get better than that.

smileynann said...

I'm a follower officially now!

I had a baby this summer -- that's definitely the best thing I did!

Penny Barnes said...

I know just the couple who are expecting a baby boy in October that I would use the Coastal scraps to make a baby quilt. I can't believe summer is coming to an end....I feel like I really haven't done much. It's been a really hot one...but is finally cooling down to tolerable.

Molly Dee said...

I am so in love with the Going Coastal line! I like what you did with your patterns and plan to buy one later.

Amorette said...

i am a new follower! the best thing i did this summer was to take my son to the beach nearby to try him out again on the sand (last time he was too young)- he loved it, loved the birds, the water, digging with sticks. alas, my shell lesson was lost on an 18 month old toddler!