And so I decided to show you where I create. Today. Un-edited. Presenting....
Not all of us live, work, and play in magazine-ready places. This is REAL.
In my defense I have 3 children, 2 of which LOVE to play "Quilt Shop". Also, I've been re-arranging furniture the last week or so. I'm in the mood for a makeover. I mean, I moved into this room several months ago- it's time to make it MINE. It's going to take some time though. I'll let you know when it's done. :o)
BTW- those manilla envelopes have Etsy orders in them and will be shipped out TODAY!!
Well I think that you are very lucky!!! I don't even have a sewing room - I have the kitchen table and countertop :)
Oh I'm so pleased that I'm not the only one whose table top looks like that - how does that happen? I try to keep things tidy and it always ends up the same.
My "sewing world" is a wall in our dining room. We have a side table that doubles as my cutting table when it is not laden with produce from the garden :)
My firstborn will be heading off to college next fall....he has already been forewarned that he is "camped out" in my sewing room :)
Thank you for posting your photos. I'm quite sure we all create in spaces like this, rather than magazine page studios...
Hey that might be my etsy order... how exciting! :) Thanks for showing us where the magic happens... cool to see where other people create. My space is currently also where we eat, do homework, and anything else that requires a table in our tiny 1 room apt... good times ;-)
Well I for one am glad to see that I am not the only one with a sewing space that doesn't look like it fell off a magazine spread. I'm keeping it real. If i kept it neat i'ld never have time to sew anything!
Mine is even messier than yours right now!
I do love the honesty! When I'm working on a project this is how my room looks too! I also wrap packages on my cutting table for my missionary son so it often has this or that food sitting on it waiting until I can get a full flat rate box to send, lol! Seems I do more of that than sewing anymore. Enjoy the kids who play quilt shop....I know I miss the "cocoa parties" with my daughters and building projects with my sons.
Love it. It looks just like mine most of the time. It doesn't seem to matter what your work area looks like though as your patterns are flying out of our new store. Everyone is loving them.
Ahhh...reality! I'm lucky enough to have a sewing too, and I wish it was "Better Homes and Gardens" worthy but it is my space and I love it! Some days it's nice and neat but while I'm cutting and sewing it's organized chaos! Can't wait to see upcoming pics after you move the furniture.
Your room is much more organized than mine. I think it just shows your creative mind at work. ;)
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