Since I'm getting ready to post my tutorial (monday!) I thought I would do a little product review for you all and tell you exactly why I LOVE this stuff.
If you fuse- you should be using Steam-A-Seam. I have used several, if not ALL the alternatives out there and none compare to this product. You can get it in packages of sheets 8 1/2 x 11. Or you can purchase it by the yard 12", 18", or 24" wide. I used to buy my by the yard until I started ordering a whole roll.
1.) The main reason that I LOVE Steam-a-Seam is because there are 2 backing sheets. You know the wax paper-y backing. Well on Steam-a-Seam there's a sheet on both sides of the the product. One peels off easier than the other. This is great because after you've traced your image onto one side you simply slide the backing off the other side and Steam-a-seam has a tiny bit of stick to keep your piece attached to the fabric. You can cut out your image and everything because it already sticks to your fabric. This mean you don't have to press twice. ALSO, you have the ability to place lots of pieces onto you foundation fabric and get them in place before finally commiting to setting them by iron. This may be a small thing to some- but when you're doing applique as much as me it saves a TON of time.
2.) The other thing about Steam-a-Seam is it really STICKS. Once it's set by iron it's stuck. Now, I ALWAYS top stitch (I'll show this in my tut.) in some way to ensure it stays permanent after repeated washings but I'm even refering to prior to that. I have used alternative products and I don't even have time to get them all top-stitched and the image is already peeling away from the foundation. GRRR! I hate that! With Steam-A-Seam I don't have that problem. Once it's set, it's SET!
3.) The last reason I LOVE Steam-a-Seam is those two backing papers- well, they keep the fusible product in place. Have you even been un-rolling or tracing and the product keeps slipping away from the paper backing. ARGH! It's so frustrating. Or even worse- you get it over to the ironing board for your initial press to the back of the applique fabric (again, you can skip this step w/ Steam-a-Seam) andthe product slips out a bit and because it's nearly transparent you get fusible web ALL OVER your iron! Even if you decide to press first with Steam-A-Seam, it sticks to the backing paper so you don't have this problem. No stitcky, gross mess on your iron and no sticky smudges on your beautiful fabric!
OK. I know without pictures some of you might not know what I'm talking about. But I'll go over it again in my tut. Also, there may be people out there that don't have a problem with other products but this is my blog so I get to talk about whatever I want! :o) And lastly, I do not get ANY compensation for my support and promotion of this product. Nope, not even FREE Steam-A-Seam....althought I wouldn't complain if I did. :o)
And because I LOVE it so much I am giving away some! I would LOVE to give it to someone who has NEVER tried it before, but I'm not narrowing it down to that. Even if you use it and LOVE it as much as I do, or if you've never tried it and are dying to now that I've told you how wonderful it is- LEAVE ME A COMMENT! On Tuesday I will announce the winner and send you a 1yard x 18" piece of Steam-A-Seam for you very own! :o)
If you fuse- you should be using Steam-A-Seam. I have used several, if not ALL the alternatives out there and none compare to this product. You can get it in packages of sheets 8 1/2 x 11. Or you can purchase it by the yard 12", 18", or 24" wide. I used to buy my by the yard until I started ordering a whole roll.
1.) The main reason that I LOVE Steam-a-Seam is because there are 2 backing sheets. You know the wax paper-y backing. Well on Steam-a-Seam there's a sheet on both sides of the the product. One peels off easier than the other. This is great because after you've traced your image onto one side you simply slide the backing off the other side and Steam-a-seam has a tiny bit of stick to keep your piece attached to the fabric. You can cut out your image and everything because it already sticks to your fabric. This mean you don't have to press twice. ALSO, you have the ability to place lots of pieces onto you foundation fabric and get them in place before finally commiting to setting them by iron. This may be a small thing to some- but when you're doing applique as much as me it saves a TON of time.
2.) The other thing about Steam-a-Seam is it really STICKS. Once it's set by iron it's stuck. Now, I ALWAYS top stitch (I'll show this in my tut.) in some way to ensure it stays permanent after repeated washings but I'm even refering to prior to that. I have used alternative products and I don't even have time to get them all top-stitched and the image is already peeling away from the foundation. GRRR! I hate that! With Steam-A-Seam I don't have that problem. Once it's set, it's SET!
3.) The last reason I LOVE Steam-a-Seam is those two backing papers- well, they keep the fusible product in place. Have you even been un-rolling or tracing and the product keeps slipping away from the paper backing. ARGH! It's so frustrating. Or even worse- you get it over to the ironing board for your initial press to the back of the applique fabric (again, you can skip this step w/ Steam-a-Seam) andthe product slips out a bit and because it's nearly transparent you get fusible web ALL OVER your iron! Even if you decide to press first with Steam-A-Seam, it sticks to the backing paper so you don't have this problem. No stitcky, gross mess on your iron and no sticky smudges on your beautiful fabric!
OK. I know without pictures some of you might not know what I'm talking about. But I'll go over it again in my tut. Also, there may be people out there that don't have a problem with other products but this is my blog so I get to talk about whatever I want! :o) And lastly, I do not get ANY compensation for my support and promotion of this product. Nope, not even FREE Steam-A-Seam....althought I wouldn't complain if I did. :o)
And because I LOVE it so much I am giving away some! I would LOVE to give it to someone who has NEVER tried it before, but I'm not narrowing it down to that. Even if you use it and LOVE it as much as I do, or if you've never tried it and are dying to now that I've told you how wonderful it is- LEAVE ME A COMMENT! On Tuesday I will announce the winner and send you a 1yard x 18" piece of Steam-A-Seam for you very own! :o)
I am a new quilter, and my New Years resolution this year was not to make resolutions.. but to instead make 2011 a year to improve on my quilting skills. I want to learn new things, and thanks to my blogging buddies I am able to learn new techniques and try new things. You can read about my No Resolution resolve on my blog http://runtomomma.blogspot.com/2011/01/no-resolutions-for-me.html I just started my first applique quilt.. expanding my horizons a LOT! This would be a great help to keep me going
I have NEVER used this product. I am awaiting your tutorial as I am collecting fabrics for a rather large applique project and love the applique I have seen on your blog. Happy quilting!
I too have tried other things but this is the best stuff by far! I didn't know you could buy it by the yard though. I'll have to check that out bz sometimes the sheets are just too small and I have to overlap and use more of it than I would if I had it by the yard. Thanks for the heads up! I may not be new to Steam A Seam but I definitely would love to win some!!
I have NEVER used Steam A Seam, but have had ALL the issues with the other products that you mention. I would love to try your favorite product and will be waiting for your tutorial.
I also have never used it before. I would love to win.
I have never used Steam A Seam, only using the alternatives for meshwork and garmet sewing. Believe me, I have had my issues with them.
I haven't tried this product yet. I will be looking in the stores for it. Thanks for tips and ideas and the very generous giveaway
I haven't used Steam-a-Seam before. I've used Heat-n-Bond (both the heavy and lite) mostly because I had lots of it and had never heard of Steam-a-Seam. The heavy is too stiff to stitch through. The lite is best for stitching over (and is recommended if the item is to be washed). The one thing I don't like is how stiff it is even after washing. How does the Steam-a-Seam feel after washing?
I've always been afraid of appliqué because the one time I tried it . . .. that sticky mess thing happened :) I'd like to try it again with this product
I use Steam-A-Seam 2 Lite and really like it for my applique. It is THE BEST! I highly recommend it too!
I think I use the stuff that tends to peel away before you use it - UGHHH!! Anyway, I would love to try this. I'm learning to machine applique - still not very good at it LOL! Thanks.
I have always hesitated to use fusible in projects because of all the unknowns (how stiff is it; will it last after washing etc), and there are so many products to choose from. Also, being in the boonies, I don't even have a local source, so it's either buy online or at Walmart an hour and a half away....I'm glad to see tutes on how to use it exactly and the pros and cons of different brands...would be nice if I could remember those!!:) Anyway, I'd love to win some to try and have a project from your site to try it with.....?
I've used the other stuff, and it is on my iron and ironing board. It did peel off as I was stitching. Where do you find the actual stuff locally?
I could use a yard right now to give me a jump start on some applique projects. I've fallen away from those lately, and they really do make a difference on quilts.
I enjoy applique but I've always used bondaweb(I think you call it wonder-under!)
Is this better or just different??
I would love to win some! I've never used it (and I've never appliquéd, either... or finished my first quilt)
If I win I promise to make you something with my new found applique skills! ... especially as I'm here in the UK, so it would be worth the postage for you :) ...
Can't wait for the tute ...
I've always wanted to try my hand at applique and this product makes it sound much easier. Please enter me in the drawing!!
I've never used the Steam-A-Seam but I'd love to try it! Thanks for the chance to win some of it! :0)
I love this product as well. The first time I did applique the ladies at the quilt shop set me up with this stuff and told me it was the best. I have never used the other stuff, and since I love this stuff as well, I have no intention of using something else, until someone tells about something that is better. I don't see that happening anytime soon. If you have not tried this, and you are going to applique, I too highly recommend this product!!!
I guess what I use is the OTHER stuff because I have not found Steam A Seam except in little packages they sell on the wall at WM or J's. Figured it was better to buy the stuff by the yard that they sell which is NOT steam a Seam. I'd love to give it a try!
I'd love to give it a try!
I've never used this product (or others) and would like to try some fusible applique. So, this would be helpful. We took a trip to the big city and the Joann's only has Pellon, and the clerks were clueless. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sounds intriguing. Like you said, I don't really have a clue what you are talking about - well, maybe I have SOME clue - but I'm REALLY looking forward to your tutorial.
You make it sound so easy - I would LOVE to try some of this product!
It sounds like a very good product. Love to try it! Thanks for the chance!
I use Heat n Bond lite with what little applique I have done, so would be great to try Steam a Seam.
I'm with you, I LOVE SAS2!!Best stuff ever!!!
I love Steam-A-Seam and Steam-a-Seam lite. My local fabric shop just had a 50% off sale so I stocked up and bought 11 metres for my two applique BOMs.
I haven't used it. I just finished a project that made me swear I'd never applique again. But after reading your post I may rethink that. All my leaves were peeling by the time I got to them and it was making me insane.
I never used steam a seam, we use different stuff here in the Netherlands. The problem with the one I use is that it doesn't stick zo well and lets loose before you can apllique! Thanks for sharing, if I don't win I will get me some on our next trip to your country!
I have not done a lot of applique because it has been a challenge, but I shall give this steam-a-seam. I don't know where to buy it, but I shall try walmart...love your blog...I'm just a crazy old lady also...you so much talent want to try one of your projects
I have used this product before, and I really like the way it works. I would recommend it!
I have never tried applique because it seemed so complicated. I did a little years ago --- onto sweatshirts --- and the fusible web was such a mess that I didn't want to go near it again. But the Steam-A-Seam sounds wonderful, and it makes me want to try it!
I'm in the dying to try it group.
Sounds like a great product-I have experimented with different ones but have not tried this one yet.
I have never used this, but will try it. How does it feel after you wash the quilt you have made using it?
I would love to try this. i've heard of it but am currently using the product that comes away from the paper easily. so frustrating. sounds like steam a seam is the way to go.
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